Our Mission Statement
Big Spring ISD understands teachers, administrators, and staff from ethnic and culturally diverse backgrounds significantly increase the impact and value of education on students who also identify with similar ethnic and culturally diverse backgrounds, and the district eagerly seeks to recruit, prepare, train, and retain a diverse staff.
Big Spring ISD is an equal-opportunity employer. BSISD does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment based on race, color, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran or military status, or any other legally protected status. Additionally, the district does not discriminate against an employee or applicant who acts to oppose such discrimination or participates in the investigation of a complaint related to a discriminatory employment practice. Employment decisions will be made based on each applicant's job qualifications, experience, and abilities.
The district Title IX Coordinator is Jeff Perez, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, 708 East 11th Place, Big Spring, TX 79720, 432-264-3600. Questions relative to Title IX issues or any other human resources related matter should be directed to Mr. Perez.
Employment Application Homepage
To find out more about current open positions and complete employment applications, please visit our Big Spring ISD Frontline Employment Page.
Human Resources Links
- District Employment Overview
- Big Spring ISD Frontline Employment Website
- BSISD Teacher Salary Schedule 2023-2024
- BSISD Academic Stipend Schedule
- BSISD CHRI Policies and Procedures
- BSISD Teacher Incentive Allotment
- BSISD Grow Your Own Program
- Intra-District Teacher Transfer Request
- Substitute Employment Information
Human Resources Specialist
- Administration
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Gina Wells
Employment Related Staff
- Administration
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Jeff Perez
- Denise Archer
- Charlotte Childress
- Marlana Ott
- Donna Pineda