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Howard College Logo

Howard College

Howard College believes that education is the primary purpose of the institution and that the programs and services of the college should be available to all citizens who are able to benefit from them. 


School information:

1001 Birdwell Lane

Big Spring Tx 79720







Marine Corps Logo

U.S. Marine Corps

The Marine Corps mission reflects every Marine's purpose. In essence, our Nation is that purpose. In our world, in ourselves, and in our way, there are conflicts, challenges, and obstacles that must be fought confidently and defeated convincingly for our Nation to prevail. These looming battles come in many forms and occur on many fronts, but each comes down to a critical choice: to demand victory or accept defeat. To pull together or fall apart. To give in or cave in. It is a decision each Marine conveys to our Nation with each battle won.

4706 N Midkiff Rd, Apt 7
Midland, TX 79705


TX Workforce Commission

Workforce Solutions 

Our mission is to promote and support a workforce system that creates value and offers employers, individuals, and communities the opportunity to achieve and sustain economic prosperity. 


1001 Birdwell Ln #106

Big Spring, TX 79720

(Located on Howard College Campus)








Air force Logo

U.S Air Force

The mission of the United States Air Force is to fly, fight and win - airpower anytime, anywhere. Whether full time, part time, in or out of uniform, everyone who serves plays a critical role in helping us achieve mission success. 

4101 E 42nd St #62, Odessa,
TX 79762
(Inside Music City Mall)



U.S. Army Logo

U.S. Army Recruiting Office


The U.S. Army is made up of the most dedicated, most respected Soldiers in the world. These Soldiers protect America’s freedoms while serving at home and abroad, and they are always prepared to defend the nation in times of need.

4706 N Midkiff Rd
Midland, TX 79705


U.S. Navy Logo

U.S Navy

The mission of the United States Navy is to recruit, train, equip, and organize to deliver combat-ready Naval forces to win conflicts and wars while maintaining security and deterrence through a sustained forward presence.

4706 N Midkiff Rd STE 7-4,
Midland, TX 79705
