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Eligibility for Pre-K

Pre-Kindergarten Eligibility Information

To be eligible to attend Pre-K, students must be 4 on or before September 1 of the current school year and meet one or more of the following eligibility requirements:

  • Educationally disadvantaged- Please bring the last 3 paystubs of ALL household income or current TANF or SNAP eligibility letter.
  • Military dependent- Child of an active duty member of the armed forces or child of a parent who was injured or killed while serving on active duty. Documentation must be provided.
  • Foster care- Child that has ever been in the consevatorship of the Department of Family and Protective SErvices (DFPS) following an adversary hearing. Bring verification letter.
  • Bilingual- Child is unable to speak or comprehend the English language. We will need to test your child.
  • Homeless- As defined by 42 USC, §11434a.
  • Star of Texas- Child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award as a peace officer, firefighter, or emergency medical first responder.


For additional information on eligibility or what paperwork you will need to provide as proof of requirements, please contact Moss Elementary School at:

Moss Elementary School
3200 Fordham
Big Spring, TX 79720