Our Mission Statement
Through a variety of Federal and Special Programs, Big Spring ISD provides opportunities for students to be successful and productive, from students with disabilities who struggle and require assistance, to gifted students who are eager to be challenged. Big Spring ISD provides a free and appropriate public education to every student to help them achieve their highest potential.
Federal Programs
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):
Parent's Rights in ESSA Section 1116
El derecho de los padres a saber sobre la sección 1116 del derecho público (ESSA)
Translation Procedure for Big Spring ISD
Parent & Family Engagement:
The Parent and Family Engagement Connection Newsletter
BSISD Parent & Family Engagement Policy
BSISD Política de Participación de Padres y Familiares
Free and Reduced Lunch Video for Educators
Free and Reduced Lunch Storyboard for Parents
Storyboard de Almuerzo Gratis o Reducido Para Padres