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District Accreditation Status

Texas Education Agency (TEA) accredits public schools in Texas at the district level for grades K-12.


Accreditation Ratings

There are four accreditation ratings:

  • Accredited:
    This rating indicates that TEA recognizes the district as a public school that meets the accreditation standards.
  • Accredited-Warned:
    This rating indicates that the district exhibits deficiencies in academic performance and/or financial accountability for two consecutive school years. If deficiencies are not addressed, continued deficiencies will lead to probation or revocation of accreditation.
  • Accredited-Probation:
    This rating indicates that the district exhibits deficiencies in academic performance and/or financial accountability for three consecutive school years. These deficiencies must be addressed to avoid revocation of accreditation.
  • Not Accredited-Revoked:
    This rating indicates that TEA does not recognize the district as a Texas public school because the district failed to meet accreditation standards for four or more consecutive school years.


BSISD Accreditation Status

2022-2023 Accreditation rating for BSISD:Accredited

2021-2022 Accreditation rating for BSISD: Not Rated

2020-2021 Accreditation rating for BSISD: Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster

2019-2020 Accreditation rating for BSISD: Accredited

2018-2019 Accreditation rating for BSISD: Accredited

2017-2018 Accreditation rating for BSISD: Accredited

2016-2017 Accreditation rating for BSISD: Accredited

2015-2016 Accreditation rating for BSISD: Accredited




To find out more about accreditation, click: TEA Accreditation Status.